3 Common Spring Problems for Your Heat Pump


Out of all the HVAC systems in your home, your heat pump is the one that you have to worry about the most during spring and summer. This is because it operates differently than your furnace or AC to keep you comfortable while maintaining optimal indoor air quality. Here are the top three common spring problems for heat pumps and what you can do about them:

Dirty air filters

One of the common problems with a heat pump is dirty air filters. Filters can be blocked by dirt, dust, insects, and other debris. You should check your air filter monthly during peak use and change it or have a professional clean it as needed.

Improper cycling

Improper cycling is a common sign that your heat pump is having an issue. The first thing you need to do is check your thermostat. Make sure it's set to the right mode and programmed at the optimal temperature setting for your household. If it isn't, adjust the settings as needed.

Sudden heat loss

Studies show that sudden heat loss is a common problem for heating systems in spring, which makes for a chilly transition from winter to summer. Sudden heat loss is caused by damage to the outdoor compressor or blocked airflow. If you’re unsure of the root cause of the problem, it would be better to call for professional help. 

Get a new heat pump installed in your home today

To help you get through the cold, rainy days of spring, have a new heat pump installation in your home at the start of the season. You can easily find the system that meets your needs by asking for the assistance of a licensed, skilled, and experienced heating contractor. Get in touch with a reliable heating company near you and book a service!

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