Nervous System Terminologies



Paresthesia is generally referred to as the sensation of numbness that is sometimes, there is a feeling of “pins and needles”.

Action potential

Action is generally referred to as the motion or maybe the activity that is used to produce a reaction.


Quadriplegia is also known as tetraplegia which is referred to as paralysis of both arms, legs and the trunk that is resulting from spinal cord injury.


Seizures are the abnormal type of electrical activity of the brain which results in involuntary contractions of various muscle groups.

Spinal cord injury

This is a spinal cord injury that affects the spinal cord, vertebral column, and supporting soft tissue.

Status epilepticus

Status epilepticus is mainly referred to as the occurrence of multiple seizures in which the patient does not experience any recovery time in between the seizures.

Afferent neuron

Afferent generally means moving towards the center.


Transection is generally referred to as when the spinal cord is severed, that is either completely or partially.

Subdural space

The subdural space is present below the dura mater and it is above the arachnoid space.


The sulcus is referred to as the shallow depression on the surface of the brain or an organ.

Sympathetic nervous system

The sympathetic nervous system usually refers to the division of the nervous system.


The synapse is generally referred to as the area which is present between the two neurons at which the nerve impulses are transmitted.

Temporal lobe

Temporal generally refers to the temporal bone of the skull.

Pia mater

This is the innermost layer, which usually covers the surface of the brain and the spinal cord.


A plexus is generally a network of intersecting nerves and blood vessels.


The pons, is usually an area of the brainstem that is present just above the medulla oblongata.


This is a chemical structure present on the surface of a cell that is usually sensitive to stimulation.

Reticular activating system (RAS)

Reticular is used for having an interwoven structure.

Glial cells

The glial cells are also called neuroglia that are specialized cells of the nervous tissue. These cells act as support cells of the nervous system.

Gray matter

Gray matter is the gray nervous tissue that is found in the brain and the spinal cord. Buying Soma 350mg online helps in getting the quality products. 


Interneurons usually carry all the information between neurons.

Central nervous system (CNS)

The central nervous system generally controls all the functions of the body. It mainly consists of the brain and the spinal cord, motor pathways, protective structures, and blood supply.

Cutaneous senses

The skin contains specialist receptors that are used for touch, pressure, vibration, hot, cold, and pain.

Proprioceptive (muscle) sensations

This is for informing us of the activities and the current posture of the muscles.

Integrative sensations

These are not well defined but include memory, sleep, emotions, etc.

Auditory senses 

Sound waves usually cause fine hairs in the inner ear to vibrate which generates nerve impulses. People buy soma 350mg online to have lesser problems that are usually seen in offline purchases.

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