How Does the Medical Marijuana Process Work?


Medical marijuana is becoming much more of a hot topic nowadays. With more states starting to open up options for medical marijuana and online medical marijuana directories like more available than ever, many people are starting to learn how effective medical marijuana can be for them. However, not everyone knows what that process will look like once they start it. If you’re thinking about opportunities for medical marijuana, there are a few things you should be prepared for. This is the four steps to getting a medical marijuana recommendation.

Step 1: Find the Right Organization

The first step is to find an organization that will help you with a medical marijuana card in the first place. This is where organizations like help out. These organizations reach out to doctors that believe in the healing powers and efficacy of marijuana to help with a variety of different conditions. Then, they can build a directory of doctors that will be more likely to give you a recommendation.

Step 2: Submit Your Information

When you first submit your information to one of these organizations, you’ll include certain important elements, like where you live, your diagnoses, and your age. This will help the organization connect you with the right doctor; some doctors specialize in certain diagnoses, and if you live in a specific state, you’ll need a doctor that’s certified in that state. It’s important to fill out this information accurately so the organization can match you with the right doctor.

Step 3: Meet With a Doctor the Required Number of Times

The number of times you’ll have to meet with your doctor may vary from state to state. Some states require that you have an “established relationship” with the physician who prescribes your medical marijuana, which means you’ll need at least two telemed appointments with that physician to receive the medical marijuana recommendation. Some states allow you to see a doctor once and immediately get your recommendation.

Step 4: Receive a Recommendation If Applicable

It’s important to remember that a medical marijuana doctor isn’t required to give you a recommendation for a medical marijuana card. However, when you go through this process, you’ll be more likely to get a recommendation because the doctor already believes in the power of medical marijuana. If you have a diagnosis that falls under your state’s qualifying conditions list and you know what you’re hoping to get from medical marijuana, your doctor is likely to give you the recommendation.


The medical marijuana process is typically fairly simple, and you don’t need to know too much to get the most out of it. You just need to make sure you have information about your own medical history and about what you’re hoping to get from medical marijuana in the first place. This information can help you prepare for the process of getting approved for medical marijuana, no matter what your qualifying condition is or what state you’re currently living in.

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