From Inbox to Bestseller: Email Marketing for Self-Published Authors


Self-publishing a book is a major accomplishment no matter how established or seasoned you are as a writer.

While your creative endeavor may be complete, your journey is only getting started. Once you’re done with publishing your book, you have to find ways to get people to read your words.

Email marketing can be a highly effective tool for building your brand as an author, promoting your book, and growing your audience.

Let’s explore how effective email campaigns can take your readers from scrolling through your email to turning the pages of your self-publication!

A Rundown on Promoting Your Book Through Email Marketing

Once upon a time, there were emails that simply consisted of a wall of text, but times have changed. So, here’s everything that goes into creating an effective and engaging email marketing campaign:

1. Expand Your Email List

The first step in your email marketing strategy should be to build your email list to target potential readers who may be interested in your book.

This requires lead-generation activities that entice your target audience to share their email with you.

You can offer a few things in exchange for their email addresses:

  • An exclusive sneak peek or a free chapter from your book
  • Access to exclusive author interviews or Q&As
  • Special giveaways and contests
  • Behind-the-scenes information about your writing process
  • Writing tips and tricks for aspiring authors

This will help you build a basic email list of people who have already shown interest in your work. You can then use it as a jump-off point to expand your list and grow your audience.

2. Craft Compelling Content for Each Email

Emails are like books — it’s important to pique readers’ curiosities and keep them interested or they may unsubscribe or snap the book shut.

Here are some ways you can generate compelling emails consistently to retain the attention of your readers:

  • Personalize your emails to make them feel more personal - this primarily entails using readers’ names (though don’t overdo it). However, if you have additional information such as their birthday, you can also send a special discount to get them to purchase your book as a birthday gift!
  • Build a parasocial relationship with your readers - share your journey as a writer so your readers feel more connected with you. If they know about your triumphs and struggles, they will feel like they know you and be more invested in your story. You can also include anecdotes that relate to your book to further grab their attention.
  • Offer exclusive content - make your email subscribers feel special by giving them access to exclusive content such as character profiles, bonus chapters, behind-the-scenes information, and fun facts about you and your book.

Adding stimulating visuals is also an important component of email marketing. This can include character sketches, fun infographics and mind maps, images of your book cover, illustrations, author headshots, and more.

If you lack the graphic design skills to make your email content visually appealing, you can use PosterMyWall tools to help you out! Their email templates can also be very helpful in assisting you with creating content that catches your readers’ fancies.

Just remember to add a CTA or call to action so they do what you request. You can ask them to purchase your book, leave a review, or follow you on social media.

3. Be Regular With Your Emails 

The timing and frequency of your emails are very important, but it can be difficult to get them right if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Here are some basic guidelines to keep in mind when deciding on your email schedule:

  • Be consistent with your emails so your subscribers know when to expect your latest update - this is especially true for newsletter emails. Stick to a schedule, be it once a week or once a month, and be as regular as possible.
  • Don’t overdo it - strike a balance between engaging your subscribers without overwhelming them. If you don’t send regular emails they may forget about you and you could lose their interest, but if you bombard them with emails every day they may unsubscribe out of frustration. 
  • Be strategic about your timing - you can send an email stating that your book could be the perfect weekend read just before the weekend, or offer discount codes and special offers before a holiday. Timing your promotional emails right can have a great impact on your book sales. 

You should have different types of emails such as newsletters, special offers, promotional events, etc. in your marketing campaign. That way, your emails will stay interesting, and you can send a few out every week if necessary without being monotonous and repetitive for your readers.

Final Thoughts

An effective email marketing campaign can be a game-changer for your career as an author. The tips we’ve covered are helpful for getting your marketing campaign off the ground. If you need additional help, you can always consider using an online email maker. With a little effort, your book can be a bestseller in no time!