Laravel Interview Questions And Answers For the Freshers Candidates

Laravel Interview Questions And Answers For the Freshers Candidates

If you are a candidate of Laravel and want to pursue your career in the same field then below mentioned questions may help you well. You can practise these questions for your Laravel interviews, these questions are specially for fresher candidates. In case you are not familiar with web development, then you can take a training course in web development courses in Chandigarh.

1. What is Laravel?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for online applications that is well-known for offering a vast feature set to developers. Laravel offers a vast feature set that lets developers build dynamic, scalable web applications fast and effectively.

2. How does Composer fit into the Laravel framework?

Composer is a tool for managing PHP dependencies. Laravel uses Composer to handle its package dependencies and autoload classes.

3. Explain the Laravel directory structure?

Laravel's directory structure has a very well-organised design. This structure's key folders are public, which acts as the document root; routes, which contains route definitions; and app, which contains the application's core code. Resources, on the other hand, contain views, assets, and language files.

4. What function does the Laravel.env file serve?

The goal of the.env file is to give developers more flexibility and simplicity in controlling the configuration settings of the application by enabling them to transition between different environments with ease and without having to rewrite the code.

5. What is migration in Laravel?

PHP code can be easily changed in the database schema with Laravel migrations. Since it allows you to add, modify, and remove database tables and columns, it simplifies the process of handling database changes and keeping them in line with the application's coding.

6. How do you run migrations in Laravel?

The migrate Artisan command can be used in Laravel to carry out migrations. All outstanding migrations will be carried out and the database schema updated by running the command "php artisan migrates." This guarantees that the codebase of the application and the database are up to date.

7. What are Eloquent models in Laravel?

Using object-oriented model classes, developers may handle database tables with Laravel's proprietary ORM framework, Eloquent. Because of its expressive syntax, Eloquent facilitates more natural and simple database interaction with Laravel.

8. How do you create middleware in Laravel?

With Laravel, you can use the make: middleware Artisan command to construct a middleware. This middleware can be used to implement access control on particular routes or controllers and to determine whether the authenticated user has the "admin" role.

9. Explain the concept of route caching in Laravel.

One approach in Laravel that can help boost route registration performance greatly is route caching. Application response times can be accelerated by Laravel by using caching to quickly identify the best path for a given incoming request.

The reason behind this is that the cached routes can be loaded straight from the cache during recurrent requests, eliminating the overhead of loading and parsing route definitions.

10. What is injection in Laravel?

Dependencies can be specified in a controller method's parameters using type-hinting and method injection in Laravel.

This makes dependency management easier for developers by enabling the Laravel service container to automatically detect and inject the necessary dependencies whenever the method is called.

11. What are facades in Laravel?

Facades provide a simple and intuitive way to access services registered inside the service container in the Laravel framework.

By serving as a static interface, a facade lets you call a service's methods directly without having to create the underlying class.

Among the pre-built facades offered by Laravel are the "DB" facade for database operations and the "Auth" facade for authentication chores.