Front-End Web Developer Interview Questions for The Freshers

Front-End Web Developer Interview Questions for The Freshers

For those freshers who are learning web development and want to test their skills on a regular basis, here is the list of the web developer interview questions that are mentioned that are totally for the fresher candidates. You can also enhance your learning by joining a web development course in Chandigarh.

1. What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language with several tags in it. It serves to specify how web pages are organised.

2. What are Semantic Elements in HTML?

The elements that comprise the structure and meaning of the material in an HTML document are known as semantic elements. The following is a list of a few semantic HTML elements:

  • Header
  • Main
  • Section
  • Article
  • Aside
  • Footer etc.

3. What are Meta Tags in HTML?

  • The tags that go inside the HTML page's Head tag are called meta tags.
  • Meta tags are crucial for the browser; they are not for the user interface.
  • Meta Tags are either name or value pairs at all times.
  • Meta tags include things like character encoding, title, and even description. 

4. What are the Empty Elements in HTML?

The HTML elements that don't need an opening tag and a closing tag are known as empty elements. Self-closing elements are another name for these components. Examples: <img>, <input>, <br>, <hr> etc.

5. What is ClickJacking?

ClickJacking is an attack technique wherein the developer deceives consumers into believing they are clicking on one item when, in reality, they are clicking on another.

6. What is Load Balancing?

The distribution of all incoming network traffic among the backend servers is known as load balancing.

7. What npm Stands for?

Npm stands for Node Package Manager.

8. How are JavaScript and jQuery Different?

JavaScript is a programming language, and JQuery is a library created with it.

9. What is the Use of <iframe> tag?

By providing a link within the document, the <iframe> tag can be used to embed external documents or web pages. Maps, movies, and other external resources are mostly embedded using it.

10. What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?

Cross-site scripting, or XSS, is an attack that occurs when an attacker sends malicious code, such as a browser site script, to another user through a web application.

11. What do you mean by CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets is a stand-in for CSS. It aids in the styling and design of the website to increase user appeal. Numerous selectors are available in CSS to help you choose HTML elements and style them to your specifications. ID selectors, class selectors, and element selectors are a few types of CSS selectors.

12. What is Polymorphism?

The definition of polymorphism has numerous forms. Polymorphism, in object-oriented terms, is the concept of one interface, numerous functions.

13. What is Strict Mode?

Strict mode, a new feature of ECMAScript 5, allows you to set a function or program's operating environment to be "strict."

14. What is meant by the KISS principle?

"Keep it simple, stupid" is abbreviated as KISS. which, in 1960, served as the US Navy's main design. According to the KISS principle, a system operates better the simpler it is.

15. What does S.O.L.I.D. stand for?

S.O.L.I.D. stands for principles of object-oriented design.

S- single responsibility principle 

O- open-closed principle 

L- Liskov Substitution principle 

I- interface segregation principle 

D- dependency

16. What is the use of float property?

A container's child elements can be positioned on either its left or right side thanks to the float attribute. This property can have the following possible values: left, right, initial, inherit, and none.

17. What is Coercion in JavaScript?

Coercion is the conversion of two distinct JavaScript built-in types. There are two types of it: implicit and explicit.

18. What are IIFEs?

Immediately invoked Function Expressions are referred to as IIFEs. This starts running as soon as you create it.

19. What is a grid system in CSS?

a layout that enables the content to be arranged consistently and manageably both vertically and horizontally. The Grid system consists of two main parts: Rows and Columns.

20. What is Mixin?

A mixin is a block of code that allows us to bundle CSS declarations together for usage throughout our website.

21. Mention ways to decrease page load time?

The following are the best methods for reducing page load times:

  • Image optimization
  • Browser cache
  • Compress and optimise content

22. How to create responsive designs?

The following are some essential CSS ideas that might assist you in creating responsive designs:

  • Using Media queries
  • Using the Flexbox layout
  • Using the grid layout
  • Using responsive CSS properties like percentage and vh, vw.ow to create responsive designs?