Cons of Android

Cons of Android


Nobody in the world is flawless. How can humanity create a flawless being if God cannot? Every aspect of the world has benefits and drawbacks. Many people adore android-powered devices, but many others would never want to possess one because of some of its most unpleasant downsides. The disadvantages of Android devices will be discussed in the article that follows. Share your thoughts with us on the Write For Us Android category. 

The Android smartphone has a few drawbacks. Because Android OS runs too many background processes, you use mobile data. Not only does it waste battery life, but it can also impair the functionality of your battery. It also contains a number of third-party applications that might be downloaded and set up without your consent. An Android device's security can easily be breached by hackers due to its open-source design. A few drawbacks of utilising an Android phone are listed below.


Some of the disadvantages are as follows-

1. Hardware quality depends on a number of factors

The more purchasing alternatives you have, the better, you may think to yourself. You must conduct adequate research in this area if you want to acquire an Android phone that suits your needs and budget. Naturally, quality control will become a challenging issue given the large number of firms making Android phones and the variety of brands available in this market. There are numerous brands that you may not even be familiar with, and many of them might have their own explanations. Despite being fairly priced, some Android smartphones are not very good. 

2. Need of a Google Account 

Why should you use an Android phone if you don't have a Google Account? You cannot fully utilise your Android device without a Google account. For tasks like installing apps and downloading content, you require a Google Account. Apple ID is used by iPhones to verify actions. Given that Google owns the Android operating system, it only makes sense that this business also provides the services for this operating system. Of course, as you are aware, this is not a concern for the majority of users. Of course, some people prefer to use a phone that is not connected to Google on the other hand.

3. Little assistance with software updates

Contrarily, the majority of Android phones will receive 1-2 operating system updates, but Apple has long supported its phones. The majority of inexpensive models don't get any improvements in this area. Although many users place a high value on operating system upgrades, it becomes more problematic when your phone receives little security updates. The monthly security optimizers that Android phones receive patch vulnerabilities. These updates are typically made available by Android device manufacturers every one to two months, but if your phone is no longer receiving them, there may be a risk.

The Bottom Line 

Android has unquestionably grown to be the most widely used mobile operating system in the world for a variety of good reasons. The operating system is simple to use, has a huge selection of programmes, and is constantly being updated. Additionally, with an Android phone costing between $100 and $1,000, anyone can own one.