Brand Presence: How to Easily Build a Powerful LinkedIn Profile


If you are a LinkedIn user or considering creating an account, you know the power of the professional networking tool. It enables you to generate business leads, apply for projects and jobs, and connect with professionals.

There are 740+ million active users, and you are one of them. But if you create a strong profile and professional brand, you will be one in millions. This blog post contains nine simple steps to create a strong LinkedIn profile and build a strong professional brand.

1. Upload a professional-looking photo

As per the professional network platform, a professional profile picture gets 14 times more views than other photos. The specifications should be 400 x 400 pixels, less than 8 MB, and square size. Ensure it is high resolution and reflects your present appearance. The picture should occupy a minimum of 60 percent of the frame. Your attire should reflect your profession and job title. Say, if you are a doctor, then an apron and a pair of stethoscopes will be appropriate. Make sure that you complement your professional look with a warm and friendly smile.

2. Personalize your background image

The background image provides you with an opportunity to showcase your personality and brand. You can consider using stock photos or uploading your image. Ensure that the photo is in GIF, JPG, or PNG format, under 8 MB, and between 1584 x 396 and 4000 x 4000 pixels. How to add a background image:

  • Go to your profile and click on the header image.
  • You will see a camera icon at the top right corner of the background image.
  • Click ‘Open’ and select the image you want to upload.
  • After that, click ‘Apply,’ and you have the image.

3. Create a compelling headline

A LinkedIn headline is the section just below your photo and name. It is the first thing that network connection, and potential employers will notice on your LinkedIn profile. It has a limit of 120 characters with spaces, which is equal to nearly 18 words. Make sure that it is unique and clear.

A good headline consists of:

  • Designation or expertise area
  • Name of the company
  • Achievement or unique selling point

Make sure your photo matches the professionalism of the headline.

4. Compose a strong summary

LinkedIn summary, or the ‘About’ section, is the open-ended space that highlights professional experience, unique qualities, and story within 2,000 characters. It allows you to optimize your profile for search engines and create a strong professional brand. A professional LinkedIn marketing company can help you create a strong summary.

How to build a strong summary?

  • Include data—if you can quantify your achievements in terms of money, percentages, and numbers, it will add immense credibility.
  • Add relevant keywords—this will enhance your chance of getting spotted by talent hunters and potential employers.
  • Show your personality—give a little bit of information about yourself and show who you are.
  • Use white space effectively—crisp and concise text with the right balance of white space will rivet visitors’ attention.

5. Be creative while writing your experience

The LinkedIn Experience section gives you more freedom to be creative, so use that to your advantage. Avoid copy-pasting the descriptions from your resume. Be focused, clear, and to the point. Make sure that you highlight your accomplishments. You may consider adding freelance work or side projects.

6. Add every school, college, and university in the education section

Fill up the education section with every educational institution you have attended. Mention the degree type, areas of specialization, grades (optional), and time period (optional). Apart from showing your alma mater to your potential employers, it helps you connect with the alumni.

7. List your skills and endorse others

The skills and endorsements section helps you list out your core and secondary skills and get endorsements from your co-workers and connections. This adds a lot of weight to your brand on the professional networking platform. A strong section typically has more than ten skills. However, refrain from adding the skills that you don’t have. After that, visit your close co-workers’ profiles and endorse their skills. The chances are high that they will return the favor. Here are the steps to endorse someone’s skills:

  • Visit their profile and go to ‘Skills and endorsements.’
  • Select the skills you want to endorse by clicking the plus sign on their left.
  • After that, you will see a thank you form that asks you to rate the person’s competence and explain how you know about the skills.

8. Give recommendations and ask for some

LinkedIn recommendations can enhance your brand reputation and favorably impact your job prospects. They are similar to references, and you can easily get a few by asking some of your close connections and co-workers. There is an ‘Ask for a recommendation’ button on your recommendation section. Using it, you can type the connection’s name, select the relationship, and the position at the time. After that, send the request. Before you ask for recommendations, however, visit their profiles and write compelling recommendations. 

9. Personalize your URL

An unpersonalized LinkedIn URL usually consists of a jumbled string of numbers, characters, and symbols. You can, however, customize it to make it look more professional. You can remove the random numbers and characters and add your brand or profession. Here are the steps to personalize your URL:

  • At the top right of your LinkedIn profile, you will see ‘Edit public profile and URL’.
  • After clicking on that, you will go to a new window of Public profile settings.
  • At the top right side, you will see ‘Edit your custom URL’.
  • Click the pencil icon just below your current URL.
  • Edit the link and click ‘Save’.

Congratulations, now you have a URL that reflects your brand and personality. Ensure to update it in your social media networks, business cards, and websites.

By and large,

A strong LinkedIn profile will help you in enhancing your professional brand. Apart from showcasing your achievements, experience, and skills, it can open many opportunities for you. Taking the help of professional LinkedIn social media management services can help you build a robust profile.

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